Never been to counseling? If you are wondering how this all works or what my services look like in comparison to your previous experiences, here is a quick run-down:
  • We get in contact! Hopefully we can set up an initial meeting/intake session within a week or two from first email exchange. 
  • I would send you the client portal to fill out consents, preliminary bio/history, and service requirements. This is where you will find any documents, your session schedule, and how to log on to the telehealth session. 
  • Each session (including the intake) is typically just under an hour including scheduling discussion, fee collection, and the actual good stuff aka counseling!
  • The intake goes over your history, current mental health challenges, and goals for services to make a healthier happier future. 
  • Each following session we check in on current challenges, monitor goals, and work toward processing any historicial or recent trauma or underlying difficulties as we move forward. 
  • Typically clients meet weekly (or biweekly) in the beginning to get things rolling with the goal of skill building and longer time between sessions in the future. *This timeline is completely individualized and we work to meet your needs/schedule. 
  • Additional readings and/or websites may be suggested to help along the way. 
Never been to couples counseling?
  • See the process above but lets add to it! 
  • For couples sessions both individuals will be in attendance during the intake and throughout. Sometimes we may see one individual at a time in order to learn additional perspectives but this will not be typical scheduling.
  • Some couples value “homework” while others do not share the interest. We can use your preferences to guide the services. 
  • We want both parties to feel heard in the sessions and make sure the time together is a safe space so rules (no yelling, no name calling, let each other finish,) are in place accordingly. *Also, this may not be a concern for all couples but it’s important to acknowledge from the beginning.